so as not to obstruct the free current of said streams
or water courses.
CHAP. 159.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, Tliat this act shall be in
full and perprtual force; provided, that the work con-
templated to he executed and made by the provisions of
this bill, shall he commenced within three years from
the passage of this act, otherwise all rigit intended to
he given and secured by this act shall he null mid void.
Limitation of
SEC. 9. And be it enacted. That if at any time the
said road or any part thereof, shall by omission or
neglect of said company or their agents, not be kept in
regular good order, then and in that case, upon appli-
cation being made to a justice of the peace, in and for
said county, he shall be authorised to issue his warrant
directed to any constable, sheriff or deputy sheriff, re-
quiring the gates on said road to be thrown open free
from the collection of toll, and so remain until the state
and order of the road is reinstated to reasonable and
original order.
If not kept in
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to Incorporate
a bank to be called by the name of the Dank of Salis-
Passed, Mar. 9,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland. That if the president and directors of the
Bank of Salisbury, shall on or before the first day of
May next, pass wild file with the. Governor and Coun-
cil of Maryland, a resolution authorised at a general
meeting of the stockholders of said bank, of which
twenty days notice shall be given in all the newspa-
pers published in Somerset and Worcester counties,
and under its common seal, declaring its acceptance of
this act, the following provision shall thenceforth be
severally in full force, and form a part of the charter
of said bank.
Prenqui.il. to
give validity
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
the said bank may be augmented, if done within two
years from the passage of this act, in such manner,
and at such times, as shall be prescribed by the presi-
dent and directors; provided always, that the whole
of capital