days in the town lockup or the county jail, or for his commit-
ment to the custody of the policeman under sentence of hard
labor upon the streets of the town, not to exceed ten days.
And whenever in any such ordinance or by-laws a fine or pen-
alty is imposed for the doing of any act forbidden to be done
by such ordinance or for omitting to do any act required to
be done by such ordinance, the doing of such act in the first
case or the omission to do such act in the second case, shall be
deemed to be a criminal offense; and all such offenses shall be
prosecuted by the arrest of the offender and by holding him
to bail to appear in or committing him for trial in the Cir-
cuit Court for Worcester County, unless upon being brought
before a justice of the peace, and having been informed of his
right to a jury trial, as elsewhere provided in this charter,
he shall waive said right, and elect to be tried before a justice
of the peace; and if any person shall be adjudged guilty of any
such offense under any ordinance or by-law passed in pursu-
ance of the powers hereby given or any of them, by the Circuit
Court aforesaid or by a justice of the peace, the person so
found guilty shall be sentenced to pay the fine or penalty pre-
scribed by the said ordinance or by-law, and also the costs of
prosecution, and in default of the payment thereof the person
so found guilty shall be committed to jail for the length of
time required by said ordinance or by-laws, not to exceed the
thirty days' limit above provided; and in case the said ordi-
nance or by-laws sets no length of time for the offender to
stand committed in default of the payment of said fine or pen-
alty, then said offender shall be committed to jail until dis-
charged by due course of law. Nothing herein contained shall
prevent the Mayor or Council from providing in any or all
of the ordinances or by-laws passed by them that violations of
said ordinance or ordinances, by-law or by-laws, shall not be
criminal offense, or that the fine or penalty imposed for viola-
tion thereof shall be enforced by civil action only; provided,
such intention is clearly expressed. Any violation of any
provision under and belonging to the sub-title of Pocomoke,
as sub-title to Article 24 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Worcester County, " including all violations
of any of the provisions of this Act or charter and also all vio-
lations of any ordinance passed or to be passed by the Mayor
and Council of Pocomoke City, except such ordinances as shall
by their terms be enforcible by civil action, only, shall be misde-
meanors, and all such misdemeanors shall be indictable or