AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Commissioners of
Montgomery County to issue bonds to the amount of thirty
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
for the purpose of building, improving and relocating the
public road in said county leading from the end of an im-
proved road at Crabb's Branch near Derwood toward the
end of another improved road at Richard Mackall's Corner
near Mt. Zion, within the first, fourth, eighth and ninth
election districts of said county, and to levy and collect
taxes in the first, fourth, eighth and ninth districts of said
county for the payment of the said bonds and the interest
coupons thereon, the money received from the sale of said
bonds to be used for the building, improving and relocation
of said road, upon condition that at least $3000 be paid or
secured to be paid to the County Commissioners of said
county by those interested in the building of said road
before the said bonds shall be issued.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery
Comity be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to
issue bonds to the amount of thirty thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of build-
ing, improving and relocating the public road in said county
leading from the end of an improved road at Crabb's Branch
near Derwood toward the end of another improved road at
Richard Mackall's Corner near Mt Zion, running through the
first, fourth, eighth and ninth election districts of said county,
and to levy and collect taxes in the first, fourth, eighth and
ninth districts of said county for the payment of said bonds
and interest coupons as hereinafter stated, the money arising
from the sale of said bonds to be used for the building, im-
provement and relocation of said road, provided there shall be
paid or secured to be paid to said County Commissioners the
sum of $3000 by those interested in said road before said
bonds shall be issued.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners for Montgomery County be and they are hereby
directed to borrow on the credit of said county the sum not to
exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of building,
improving and relocating the public road leading from the end
of an improved road at Crabb's Branch near Derwood toward