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Session Laws, 1916
Volume 534, Page 785   View pdf image (33K)
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fish so taken or held shall be disposed of by the game warden
as he may deem advisable for the best interests of the State;
provided, however, that this section shall not authorize entering
a dwelling house, or apply to birds, game or fish which are
passing through this State under authority of the laws of the
United States.

Approved April 18th, 1916.


AN ACT to prohibit the sale, barter or distribution of spiritu-
ous or fermented liquors, lager beer, wine, cider or intoxi-
cating drinks of any kind at any place in Liberty, Linga-
nore, Jackson and Woodville Election Districts, in Freder-
ick County, Maryland.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be unlawful for any person, directly
or indirectly, to sell, barter or distribute any spirituous or
fermented liquors, lager beer, wine, cider or intoxicating drinks
of any kind at any place in Liberty, Linganore, Jackson and
Woodville Election Districts, in Frederick County, Maryland,
whether or not made or manufactured by the person offering to
make such sale, barter or distribution thereof, nor shall any
license be granted for the sale of any of the liquors, drinks or
beverages herein mentioned within the said Liberty, Linganore.
Jackson and Woodville Election Districts; provided, that noth-
ing in this Act shall prohibit the sale of cider and homemade
wine within said Election Districts by the maker or manu-
facturer in quantities not less than one barrel when, the same
is not to be used or consumed on the premises where sold.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person convicted of
the violation of this Act in any Court having jurisdiction of
the offense shall for the first offense be fined in the sum of not
less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, and
for the second offense not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than six hundred dollars, and on failure to pay the fine
and costs imposed by the Court trying the offender, the said
Court may in its discretion commit the offender for a first
offense to the county jail for a term of imprisonment not ex-
ceeding ninety days and for a second offense to said jail for a
period not exceeding one year.


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Session Laws, 1916
Volume 534, Page 785   View pdf image (33K)
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