shall be and are hereby constituted a corporation under the
name and style of The Maryland State College of Agriculture,
and by that name shall be capable in law of suing and being
sued, taking and holding real and personal property, contract-
ing and being contracted with, adopting and using a corporate
seal and changing such seal at their pleasure, and doing and
causing to be done all matters necessary for the purposes of
any function as herein set forth.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the government of
The Maryland State College of Agriculture shall be vested in a
Board of nine Trustees, citizens of the State of Maryland, who
shall be appointed by the Governor thereof, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, and shall serve with-
out compensation but shall be paid their reasonable necessary
expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties.
One of said Trustees shall be appointed to serve until the first
Monday of June, 1917, one to serve until the first Monday of
June, 1918, one to serve until the first Monday of June,
1919, one to serve until the first Monday of June, 1920,
one to serve until the first Monday of June, 1921, one to
serve until the first Monday of June, 1922, one to serve
until the first Monday of June, 1923, one to serve until
the first Monday of June, 1924, and one to serve until the
the first Monday of June, 1925, and their successors there-
after shall be appointed for a term of nine years from the
first Monday of June of the years in which they are appointed,
to serve until their successors are appointed and have qualified,
and any vacancy in the Board shall be filled by appointment
made in the same manner as in the original appointment, but
only for the unexpired term thereof.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Maryland State
College of Agriculture shall hold all properties and all funds
herein granted to it, and all other property and funds here-
after acquired by it, and shall use the same for the purpose of
conducting a College where the leading object shall be, with-
out excluding other scientific and classical studies, and includ-
ing military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are
related to agriculture, the mechanic arts, and household eco-
nomics, in order to promote a liberal and practical education.
All departments of said institution shall be open to both sexes
for equal educational opportunities. The said Trustees shall
maintain in connection with the College an agricultural expe-
riment station, demonstration farms and an extension service,