SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Supervisors of Elections
of each of the political units herein designated and of Balti-
more City shall canvass these returns in like manner as other
election returns, and they shall certify the number of votes
cast "for prohibition" and "against prohibition" respectively,
and the said Board of Election Supervisors shall file their certi-
ficates with the Clerks of the Circuit Court of the several
political units herein designated or having jurisdiction over
the same and with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, as the case may be, and shall forward at once by regis-
tered mail to the Secretary of State a duplicate copy of said
certificates, and the Secretary of State shall within thirty days
from the date of said election, provided no contest has been
filed, make a certificate to the Governor showing the total num-
ber of votes cast "for prohibition" and the total number of
votes cast "against prohibition" in each of the political units
herein designated, and upon receipt of this statement the Gov-
ernor shall forthwith issue a proclamation declaring the result
of the election in each of the political units herein designated
and calling attention to its effects under this Act, and said
proclamation shall be recorded in a well-bound book in the
offices of the Clerks of the Circuit Court for the several coun-
or having jurisdiction over said political units herein
ed and in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court
lore City and in the office of the Secretary of State,
vote upon said proposition and such result may be
in all courts and in all proceedings by such record or
certified copy of the proclamation under the hand and
the Secretary of State.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if upon receipt by the Gov-
ernor of a certificate from the Secretary of State showing the
result of such election in each of the political units herein
designated it shall appear that a majority of the voters in any
such political unit qualified under the laws of this State to
participate in such election voting on this question in such
election have voted "against prohibition, " then the laws relat-
ing to the sale, manufacture for sale and transportation for
sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes in such political
units so voting against prohibition in effect at the date of this
election shall continue in force and effect unless or until other-
wise changed by the General Assembly of Maryland or by a
majority vote of the qualified electors of this State.