in any such case, the State Insurance Commissioner may and
it shall be his duty to revoke the license of such broker or
broker's solicitor, or revoke the license of any agent or solicitor
for all companies which he represents in this State for such
length of time as the State Insurance Commissioner may think
proper; provided, however, that before the State Insurance
Commissioner shall revoke said license he shall give ten days'
notice of the charges in writing, to be served upon said broker,
agent or solicitor in person, or by registered letter to his last
known address, or by copy of the charges left at his last known
address, and provided an opportunity shall be given the said
broker, broker's-solicitor, agent, or solicitor to be heard upon
said charges, and the said broker, broker's solicitor, agent, or
solicitor shall have the right to have such revocation of license
reviewed by the Superior Court of Baltimore City, when said
offense occurred in Baltimore City, or by the Circuit Court of
any of the counties of the State wherein such offense or
offenses complained of occurred.
184D. "Every insurance company, as defined in section 192
of this. Article, incorporated under the laws of this State and
transacting therein the business of insurance in any of its
branches, shall, in addition to the fees for domestic companies
provided in this Article, "pay for each license or certificate of
authority which each agent or solicitor of Such company is re-
quired under Sections 184A, 184B and 184C of this Article to
take out, the sum of fifty cents as a registration fee. All such
certificates' of authority to agents and solicitors shall expire at
midnight on the 31st day of December next ensuing the date
of issue.
184E. Any person or persons,: or any company or associa-
tion violating any of the provisions of Sections 184A, 184B,
184C and 184D, or any of said sections, shall be subject to the
fines and penalties provided by Section 205 of this Article.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after the 1st day of January, 1917.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to amend Article 23 of the Annotated Code of Public
Civil Laws of Maryland (legalized by Chapter 21 of the
Acts of the "General Assembly of Maryland of 1912), title