be returned, but placed to their credit for the remainder of the
examination yet to be taken. Medical students who have, as
verified by the certificate of the dean of the college which they
have attended, completed a full four years' course of studies
and lectures, but who have not yet received their diplomas,
shall upon application be examined in all the branches enumer-
ated in Section 111 of this Article by the State licensing board,
the final certificate and license of the said board being with-
held until the diploma of the proper medical college, with the
candidate's name inscribed, be produced to the secretary of the
board. Diplomas presented by graduates of foreign colleges
may be accepted if the standards of such foreign colleges were,
when such diploma was issued, equivalent to the standard de-
fined by the Association of American Medical Colleges or the
Intercollegiate Committee of the American Institute of Homeo-
pathy, respectively.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to add a new paragraph to Section 6 of the Revised
Charter of Baltimore City, title "General Powers, " said new
paragraph to follow Paragraph 31 and to be designated 32—
Wider Use of Public Property.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new paragraph is hereby added to Section 6 of the
Revised Charter of Baltimore City, title '' General Powers, '' said
new paragraph to follow Paragraph 31, to be designated 32—
Wider Use of Public Property, and to read as follows:
The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore is authorized
to use the public school buildings and all other public property
belonging to the City for any public purpose which will not
materially interfere with the use of such property for the pur-
pose for which it was primarily designed.
Approved April 18th, 1916.