commission may see fit to make, and to condemn, close up,
abolish, or destroy, in its discretion, any or all such existing
public sewers and drains, or to alter their functions, or to
increase their burdens, as it may think best.
5. To appoint or employ a Chief Engineer and such other
professional or technical advisers and experts, and such agents,
assistants, clerks, employees and laborers, skilled or unskilled,
of all kinds, as it may deem requisite, for the due and proper
execution of the duties devolved upon it by this Act, or any of
them, and to fix their respective compensations and to remove
or discharge them at pleasure (except such highly trained,
experienced or skilled individuals as it may agree to appoint
or employ upon special terms for definite and fixed periods
of time), and to exact from them such indemnity bonds for
the proper performance of their respective duties as it may
deem proper,
6. To frame, promulgate and enforce such reasonable rules
and regulations for its own government and for the supervision,
protection, management and conduct of its work as it may be-
lieve expedient.
7. To make and to enter in the name of the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown any and all contracts, agreements or
stipulations germane to the scope of its duties and powers
under this Act
8. To purchase, hire or otherwise lawfully obtain the use
of all such machinery, tools, implements, appliances, supplies,
materials and working agencies as it may need for its pur-
poses; provided, however, that the enumeration of special pow-
ers shall not be construed as restricting in any degree the scope
of the general powers hereinbefore conferred upon said com-
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown acting by and through the agency of
said commission may acquire by gift, grant, purchase, lease
(whatever the duration of the lease), or by other like methods
of acquisition, or by condemnation, any land or property, in-
cluding any drain, sewer, water course or stream of water
situated wholly or partly within the City of Hagerstown or
within Washington County or any interest, franchise, ease-
ment, right or privilege therein which may be required for the
purpose of constructing and establishing said sewerage system
when established; and when and so often as resort shall be had
to condemnation proceedings, the procedure shall be that pro-