fraternal society, library, museum, public school, private school
or institution of learning.
SEC. 23. The several sections and provisions of this Act
are hereby declared to be independent of each other; and it
is the legislative intent that, if any of said sections or pro-
visions are declared to be unconstitutional, such section or
provision shall not affect any other portion of this Act.
Approved April 18th, 1916.
AN ACT to add five new sections to Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws, sub-title "Crimes and Punishments, "
to be known as Sections 484, 48. 5, 486, 487 and 488, and to
follow immediately after Section 483 thereof, making it un-
lawful to separate or cause to. be separated any child under
six months of age from its mother for the purpose of placing
such child in a foster home or institution, or to place, re-
ceive or retain such child in a foster home or institution, and
to regulate the manner and circumstances under which it
may be done, and to provide a penalty for violation of said
Act; the same to read as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That five new Sections be, and the same are, hereby
added to Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws, sub-
title "Crimes and Punishments, " to be known as Sections 484,
485, 486, 487 and 488, and to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 483 thereof, and to read as 'follows:
Section 484. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be unlawful to separate a child under
the age of six months from its mother for the purpose of plac-
ing such child in a foster home or institution for the mainte-
nance of such child, or to assist or participate in such separa-
tion, or to place, receive or retain any child in a foster home
or institution for the maintenance of such child, or to assist
or participate in so placing, receiving or retaining such child;
unless it be necessary for the physical good of the mother or
of such child that they be separated or that such child be
placed, received or retained in a foster home or institution
for the maintenance of such child, and two physicians, quali-