SEC. IV. All fines and penalties imposed and recovered
for the violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be
paid to the State Board of Health, or its agent, and when so
collected and paid shall thereafter be, by the State Board oi
Health, paid into the State Treasury, for the use of the State.
SEC. V. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from and after the first day of June, 1916.
Approved April 11th, 1916.
AN ACT relating to motion picture films, reels or stereoptican
views or slides; providing a system of examination, ap-
proval and regulation thereof, and of the banners, posters,
and other like advertising matter used in connection there-
with; creating the Board of Censors; and providing penal-
ties for the violation of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the word "film" used in this Act means what
is usually known as a motion picture film. The word "view"
in this Act means what is usually known as a stereoptican
view or slide, but is not to include legitimate advertising an-
nouncements or news bulletins. The word "person" includes
an association, co-partnership or a corporation.
Use of Films, Reels, or Views Prohibited.
SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful to sell, lease, lend, exhibit, or
use any motion picture film, reel or view, in the State of Mary-
land, unless the said film, reel or view has been submitted by
the exchange, owner or lessee of the film, reel, or view and
duly approved by the Maryland State Board of Censors, here-
inafter in this Act called the Board.
Board of Censors.
SEC. 3. The Board shall consist of three residents and citi-
zens of the State of Maryland, one of whom shall be a member
of the political party polling the second highest vote at the
last general election prior to their appointment, well qualified
by education and experience to act as censors under this Act.