SEC. 6. Every person who was engaged in the practice
of chiropody in this State previous to January 1st, 1916,
shall file with the Board of Chiropody Examiners, on or
before the First Day of August, 1916, a written application
for a certificate to practice chiropody, together with proof sat-
isfactory to the Board that the applicant is not less than
twenty-one years of age, and was actively engaged in the prac-
tice of chiropody in this State at the time of the approval of
this Act, and upon the payment by the applicant of a fee of
Ten Dollars, the said Board of Chiropody Examiners shall
issue to such applicant a certificate authorizing him to practice
chiropody in this State which certificate shall confer upon the
said applicant all the rights and privileges conferred by cer-
tificates issued after examinations. The said certificate shall
be registered by the person receiving the same in the same
manner as certificates are required to be registered with the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in which the appli-
cant resides, or, if the applicant resides in the City of Balti-
more, in the office of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City, as
provided by Section 4 of this Act.
SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Police Commissioners
of Baltimore City, and of the Sheriff of each County in the
State, to see that all practicing chiropodists in the State shall
be legally registered according to the provisions of this Act,
and to report to the State's Attorney of the City or County
all cases of the violation of this Act, whereupon the State's
Attorney shall promptly prosecute those violating any of the
provisions of this Act.
SEC. 8. From and after the approval of this Act any per-
son not heretofore authorized to practice chiropody in this
State and desiring to enter upon such practice, shall file with
the said Board of Chiropody Examiners, upon payment of a
fee of Fifteen Dollars, a written application for examination,
together with satisfactory proof that the applicant is not less
than twenty-one years of age, is of good moral character and
has obtained a preliminary education which is equivalent to
two years instruction in a high school. The fact that such
instruction has been received by the applicant must be evi-
denced by a certificate satisfactory to the said Board of
Chiropody Examiners. Such applicant must also, before pre-
senting him or herself for examination, be a graduate of a
reputable and legally incorporated school of chiropody, ac-
ceptable to the Board, or must, (in addition to the preliminary