SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all persons now practicing chiropody, or who
shall hereafter begin to practice chiropody in the State of
Maryland, shall possess the qualification, required by this Act.
SEC. 2. There shall be established a board of chiropody
examiners for the State of Maryland. This Board shall con-
sist of four members, who shall be selected by the Board of
Medical Examiners of Maryland at its annual meeting (in
June), three of the said four members to be selected from
among the members of the Maryland Pedic Association, and
one from among the members of said Board of Medical-Exam-
iners of Maryland; and each appointee is immediately after
his election to be furnished with a certificate thereof by the
said Board electing him. The term of office of the four mem-
bers first appointed shall be for one year, two years, three
years and four years respectively. The Board of Medical
Examiners of Maryland shall designate which of said members
first appointed shall serve for. said respective terms. Upon
the expiration of the term of each of said members first ap-
pointed the term of his successor shall be for four years, the
outgoing members to be eligible for re-election. The term of
office of each member shall commence on the fifteenth day off
June next ensuing his appointment. In case of a vacancy
occurring in said board of Chiropody Examiners, said board
shall fill the same until the next annual meeting of the Board
of Medical Examiners of Maryland, when said latter Board
shall elect an examiner to serve for the remainder of such
unexpired term.
SEC. 3. The board of chiropody examiners, for the pur-
pose of examining applicants under this Act for a license to
practice chiropody in this State, shall hold two meetings in
each year, at such times and places as the board may deter-
mine. Such notice of the times and places of such examina-
tions shall be given as to the board may seem proper. The
board may make and adopt such rules and regulations in con-
nection with the conduct of such examinations as may, in the
judgment of the said board, be necessary to carry out the pur-
poses of this Act It shall provide such books, blanks and
forms as may be necessary in order to conduct said examina-
tions, and shall keep and preserve a complete record of all of
its transactions. No license to practice chiropody shall be
granted by the board unless at least three members of the board
vote in favor of granting such license. All examinations shall