ance for properties situated in said village for enforcing such
building, sanitary and other regulations as said Citizens' Com-
mittee subject to the approval of the Board of County Com-
missioners may. prescribe for said village, or for any part of
said section thereof.
Section 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Chevy
Chase Citizens' Committee of Section 3 shall be constituted as
follows: A. Bruce Bielaski, Joseph A. Burkart, John L.
Beatie, William M. Imlay and Harvey L. Curtis, who shall
serve until the qualification of the Committeemen to be elected
in April, 1917, as herein provided, and vacancies therein shall
be filled by the remaining Committeemen as hereinafter pro-
vided; the first named shall, until otherwise directed by said
Committee, be and constitute the Chairman thereof, each of
whom shall qualify as such Committeemen by taking an oath
before any officer in said Montgomery County, authorized by
law to administer oaths, to diligently and faithfully discharge
all duties of the office. In case any of such persons shall fail
to so qualify within ten days after the passage of this Act, or
any of their successors shall fail to so qualify within ten days
after his election as a Committeeman as hereinafter provided,
or in case of any vacancy through death, resignation, removal
from said Section 3, or otherwise, the remaining Committee
men shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of a resident,
registered and qualified voter of said/Section 3 of said village,
who shall hold office until the next regular election as herein-
after provided.
On the second Tuesday in April, 1917, two members of the
said Citizens' Committee shall be elected to serve for one year
and three members to serve for two years. On the second Tues-
day in April, 1918, and on the second Tuesday in April of each
following year an election shall be held at which Committeemen
shall be elected for two years to succeed those whose terms
expire, and at which Committeemen shall be elected to fill any
vacancies which may exist, but the Committeemen so elected
to fill such vacancies shall serve only for the remainder of the
unexpired term. Election shall be by ballot in a manner to be
prescribed by said Citizens' Committee. Only registered and
qualified voters of Montgomery County residing within said
Section 3 of Chevy Chase, Maryland, shall be entitled to vote
for, or hold the office of Committeeman. Following each elec-
tion each newly elected member of said Citizens' Committee
shall qualify by taking an oath before any officer in said Mont-