214-Aa. For the purpose of verifying and checking up the
accounts and reports of the sheriff, hereinbefore provided for,
it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Anne
Arundel County, at the end of every term of said Court, to
submit to the County Commissioners a list of all civil and
criminal cases of said term where the costs have been adjudged
against the County, together with a statement of said costs, and
also a statement of all fees, in civil and in criminal cases,
charged or received by the sheriff during said term.
214B. The sheriff shall be allowed a warden to the jail to
be appointed by the County Commissioners, from whom he
shall receive a salary not exceeding forty dollars per month,
to be paid by the County Commissioners at the first regular
meeting in every month. The sheriff shall receive an allowance
of not more than ten dollars per month for wages of a cook for
the prisoners in jail, and he shall be allowed for his actual ex-
penditures for food, provisions and necessary supplies furnished
the prisoners confined in jail; provided, the cost of the food of
the prisoners does not exceed the sum of thirty cents per day
for each prisoner so confined. The sheriff shall keep an item-
ized account of all such expenditures, and in the form and sys-
tem prescribed by the County Commissioners, and shall make a
report of such expenditures according to such form and system
to the County Commissioners at their first meeting in every
month, accompanied by a statement showing the actual num-
ber of prisoners daily supplied during such period; and the
County Commissioners upon examination of said account and
finding the same to be correct and within the limits herein pro-
vided, shall pay the same to the said sheriff.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from June first, 1916.
Approved April 4th, 1916.
AN ACT to add twelve additional sections to Article 4-3 of the
Code of Public General Laws, title "Health, " said sections
to follow section 177H as codified in Bagby's Code of 1911,
and to be known as Sections 177 I, 177J, 177K, 177L,
177M, 177N, 177 O, 177P, 177Q, 177R, 177S, 177T, said
new sections regulating Cold Storage of certain articles of