SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sale of
eight thousand and five hundred dollars' worth (par value) of
said bonds shall be paid over to the committee hereinafter to be
named, and to be known as the Galena Building Committee,
to be used and applied by said Committee exclusively in the
purchase of a suitable site of such, quantity of land as said
Committee may deem necessary (if any shall be necessary),
and in the building and equipping of a Public High School in
Galena; and said proceeds shall be paid out for the purposes
mentioned in this Act under the direction and control of said
Committee, and upon the written order of a majority of said
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sale of
four thousand and five hundred dollars' worth (par value) of
said bonds shall be paid over to the Committee hereinafter to be
named, and to be known as the Fairlee Building Committee,
to be used and applied by said Committee exclusively in
the purchase of a suitable site of such quantity of land as said
Committee may deem necessary (if any shall be necessary),
and in the building and equipping of a public high school house
in Fairlee, and said proceeds shall be paid out for the purposes
mentioned in this Act under the direction and -control of said
Committee, and upon the written order of a majority of said
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sale of
five thousand dollars' worth (par value) of said bonds shall
be paid over to the Committee hereinafter to be named, and to
be known as the Chestertown Building Committee, to be used
and applied by said Committee exclusively in the purchase of
a suitable site of such quantity of land as said Committee may
deem necessary (if any shall be necessary), and in the building
and equipping of a public school house in Chestertown, for the
use of colored children, and said proceeds shall be paid out for
the purposes mentioned in this Act under the direction and
control of said Committee, and upon the written order of a
majority of said Committee.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That Dr. E. A. Scott, Samuel
G. Caldwell, Irving L. Dempsey, John Quinn and Jefferson L.
Smyth be and they are hereby created and constituted the
Galena Building Committee for the purpose of carrying into
effect the provisions of this Act relating to the selection of a
site, and the building and equipping of said public high school-