fund of the Board of Public Works, forty-five hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, said amount to be ex-
pended under the direction and control of said Board, to be
used for repairs to State property and other necessary ex-
penses; for the contingent fund of the State Librarian for
postage, porterage, freight and other incidental expenses, seven
hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary, said contingent funds to be paid upon proper vouchers
exhibited to the Comptroller.
For the augmentation of the State Library and furniture,
one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
To the Attorney General for the initial cost of the State Law
Department, including office furniture, equipment and law
books, one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary; for salaries for the fiscal year ending September
thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen: Attorney General,
five thousand dollars; three assistant Attorneys General,
twenty-five hundred dollars each, seven thousand five hundred
dollars; clerks and stenographers thirty-three hundred dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary; for contingent fund in-
cluding office rent, general office expenses and supplies, tele-
phone, current additions to office furniture and equipment, new
books, traveling expenses, printing briefs and records, publish-
ing Annual Report and other miscellaneous expenses, four
thousand dollars.
For the salary of the Adjutant General, three thousand dol-
lars; for the salary of the assistant Adjutant General, fifteen
hundred dollars; for the salary of the Quarter Master, twelve
hundred dollars; for the support of the organized militia of
the State, to be distributed, applied and expended under the
supervision of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, in ac-
cordance with the Acts of Assembly in such case made and
provided, the following sums, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, are appropriated; for the contingent and necessary
expenses of the Adjutant General's Office and for the mainte-
nance, equipment and discipline of the land force of the militia
duly organized as prescribed by the said Acts of the Assembly,
the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars; to the
Board of Trustees of the Fifth Regiment Armory to be ex-
pended by direction of said Board in the maintenance, care
and protection of the Armory Building, two thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary; for the maintenance,