assistant clerk to the Claims Committee, who shall act as a
timekeeper of employees, under direction of the Speaker, at five
dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to the Corpora-
tion Committee at five dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to
the City Delegation at five dollars; for the per diem of one
clerk to the Committee on Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries at
five dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to the Temperance
Committee, at five dollars; for the per diem of one clerk to the
Elections Committee, at five dollars; for the per diem of one
Chaplain at five dollars; for the per diem of one Assistant
Postmaster at five dollars; for the per diem of one messenger
to the Ways and Means Committee at five dollars; for the per
diem of one messenger to the Minority Members at five dollars;
for the per diem of one messenger to the Temperance Committee
at five dollars; for the per diem of two assistant Sergeants-at-
arms, who shall also act as assistant pages in filing and dis-
tributing journals and bills, at five dollars each; for the per
diem of one messenger to the Speaker at five dollars; for the per
diem of one secretary to the Speaker at five dollars; for the per
diem of one doorkeeper to the Speaker at five dollars; for the
per diem of one stenographer to the Speaker at five dollars;
for the per diem of one stenographer to the Ways and Means
Committee at five dollars; for the per diem of one stenographer
to the Judiciary Committee at five dollars; for the per diem
of one stenographer to the City Delegation at five dollars; for
the per diem of one stenographer to the Currency Committee
(Minority Members) at five dollars; for the per diem of one
stenographer to the chief clerk at five dollars; for the per diem
of six general stenographers at five dollars; for the per diem
of six doorkeepers at five dollars each; for the per diem of six
pages at two dollars and fifty cents each; for the per diem of
two cloak room clerks at five dollars; for the per diem of one
matron for the ladies' room at two dollars; to the Committee
on Engrossed or Printed Bills, four members at one hundred
dollars each; together with mileage for the members and offi-
cers, postage, stationery and miscellaneous expenses, and for
the above expenses of the Legislature, the sum of one hundred
and thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-
essary, is hereby appropriated; for the printing of the General
Assembly of 1918, fifteen thousand dollars, or so much thereof
as may be necessary; for binding the laws, journals and docu-
ments of the said session of the General Assembly, twenty-five
hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for
indexing the journals and documents of the Senate and House
of Delegates, three hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary; for indexing the laws, three hundred dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; to the Secretary of the
Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates for copy-