meanor, and upon indictment and conviction thereof in the
Circuit Court, shall pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars and
not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the
county jail for not lees than one month nor more than sixty
days, or both fined and imprisoned, within the limits herein
prescribed, in the discretion of the court.
515. All vessels, sink-boats, sink-boxes, sneak-boats, and
other craft, and all guns and decoy ducks seized and condemned
under the provisions of said sections, shall be sold by the con-
stable or sheriff of the county in which such condemnation
may be made, at public sale, after giving twenty days' notice
of the time and place of such sale, by advertisement in one
newspaper in such county, and by written or printed notices
posted up at four of the most public places within two miles
of the place of such sale, to the highest bidder, for cash; and
the proceeds of such sale, after deducting all the legal expenses
of seizure, condemnation and sale, shall be divided as follows,
viz.: one-half to the officer making the seizure, and the other
half to the persons aiding the officer in making the same.
516. Every two years the Governor shall appoint, with the
advice and consent of the Senate, a board of special police, who
shall hold their offices until their successors qualify, or during
the pleasure of the Governor; the said board of special police
shall consist of two citizens of Harford and two citizens of
Cecil county; they shall have power to appoint as many depu-
ties, to be chosen from among those who have taken out license
under the provisions of Sections 506 to 512, inclusive, as in
their judgment may be necessary; they, and their deputies,
shall have power to arrest, with or without warrant, upon
their own view, or upon credible information, all persons vio-
lating any of the provisions of Sections 498 to 522, inclusive,
and to carry such persons before any justice of the peace, to
be dealt with according to the provisions of said sections; and
they shall be paid for their services the monies, and no other,
received by the clerks of the circuit courts for Harford and
Cecil counties, for licenses issued for the privilege of shooting
wild fowl, which monies shall be distributed as follows: at the
end of each gunning season the said clerks shall each certify
to the other the amount received by each for issuing the said
licenses, and the clerk who has received the larger amount (if
either has received a larger amount than the other) shall pay
over to the other such a sum as will render the amounts in the
hands of both equal; then the clerk of the circuit court for
Cecil County shall pay the sum received by him as aforesaid