for years thereafter to the claims of certain of the creditors
of the grantors of said deeds; and whereas it is desirable that
the creditors of such grantors should be required to assert their
claims against such properties within a reasonable period and
that the true date of such deeds and other conveyances so re-
corded after six months from their dates should be defined by
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new Section be and hereby is added to Article 21
of Bagby's Code of Public Civil Laws of Maryland, title "Con-
veyancing, " to follow Section 21, to be known as Section 21-A,
and to read as follows:
SEC. 21-A. Whenever by reason of the failure to record any
deed or other conveyance within six months from its date, any
creditors of the grantor in such deed or other conveyance become,
under the statutes of Maryland, entitled to assert their claims
against the property conveyed by such deed or other conveyance
or any interest therein, such creditors shall proceed in a court
of equity (without the necessity of prior proceedings at law)
to obtain a decree for the sale of such property or any interest
therein within six months after the recording of such deed or
other conveyance, or be thereafter absolutely barred from assert-
ing their claims against such property or any interest therein.
In the case of deeds or other conveyances now on record, which
have been recorded after six months from their date, such pro-
ceedings shall be taken within six months from June 1, 1916.
For the purpose of this section, the true date of a deed or
other conveyance of real or leasehold property or any interest
therein, from which date the six months period must be counted,
shall be deemed to be the date of the acknowledgment of the
same; and in case of several acknowledgments made at different
times, the true date shall be the date of the acknowledgment
which is last in point of time. For the purpose of asserting
their rights under this Article, the claims of creditors of the
grantor not due at the date of the recording of the deed shall be
considered as due and enforceable at such date. This Act shall
not affect the rights of creditors to assert their claims against
the grantor in personam, and nothing herein contained shall
change the legal effect of the taking of possession of the prop-
erty by the grantee as provided in Section 20 of this. Article.
This Act shall not apply to mortgages.
Approved April 18th, 1916.