fidelity, he shall be allowed a deduction of five days from each
month of the period of the commitment or sentence.
(2) For each and every violation of the rules and discipline
of the institution, or want of fidelity or care in the performance
of work, the person therein confined shall not only forfeit all
gained time in the month in which such delinquency occurs,
but, according to the aggravated nature or frequency of his
offense, the Board may deduct a portion of all of his gained
638. No member of the State Board of Prison Control, or
any employee of said Board, or any Warden, or other employee
in connection with any of said institutions, shall be directly or
indirectly concerned or interested in any contract, purchase or
sale made by said Board, or by its authority or shall accept
any reward or gift or any promise of any reward or gift direct-
ly or indirectly from any person interested in any contract,
purchase or sale made by said Board or by its authority, and
every member of said State Board of Prison Control and every
employee of said Board and every Warden, and other employee
connected with any of said institutions, shall make report to
the said Board of all such offenses coming to his knowledge,
and a failure or neglect to do so shall be a breach of duty and
punishable under this Section. Any person violating any pro-
vision of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of not more
than $500.
639. No member of said State Board of Prison Control, or
any employee of said Board, or any Warden, or other employee
connected with any of said institutions, shall accept any reward
or gift, or any promises of reward or gift, from any convict
in any of said institutions, or from any one on his behalf, or
shall receive any devise or bequest, or any promise of devise
or bequest, from any such convict, or from any person on his
behalf, or shall enter into any contract with any such convict,
or with any person on his behalf. All such gifts, rewards, be-
quests, devises, promises and contracts shall be void; and any
person, violating any provision of this Section, shall be punish-
able by a fine of not more than $500.
640. The State Board of Prison Control shall prescribe the
character of punishments for violation of prison discipline in
the said institutions, which shall be administered by the direc-
tion of the Warden of each of said institutions, who shall pre-
serve an accurate record of the character of offense committed