627. Upon the appointment and qualification of the State
Board of Prison Control, the Directors of the Maryland Peni-
tentiary and the Board of Managers of the Maryland House of
Correction shall transfer to the said State Board of Prison Con-
trol all books, accounts, records, contracts, obligations, unex-
pended balances and all property and things appertaining to
the Maryland Penitentiary and Maryland House of Correc-
tion. From and after the appointment and qualification of the
said State Board of Prison Control, the said Directors of the
Maryland Penitentiary and the Board of Managers of the
Maryland House of Correction shall be and the same are hereby
dissolved and abolished; provided, however, that the Directors
of the Maryland Penitentiary and the Board of Managers of
the Maryland House of Correction shall be and the same are
hereby continued in existence, after the appointment and quali-
fication of the said State Board of Prison Control, for the sole
purpose of effectuating the objects and purposes of this Section.
628. The State Board of Prison Control shall have full
power and control over the Maryland Penitentiary and the
Maryland House of Correction, and shall have any and all in-
cidental powers and authority appropriate and convenient to
enable the said Board to fully discharge the powers of manage-
ment, control, supervision, visitation and inquisition conferred
upon them by this Act. The said Board shall have power to
summon witnesses before it and to administer oaths or affirma-
tions to such witnesses whenever, in the judgment of the said
Board, it may be necessary for the effectual discharge of their
duties under this Act; and any person, failing to appear before
said Board at the time and place specified in answer to said
summons, or refusing to testify, shall be punishable by a fine
of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars; false
swearing on the part of any such witness shall be deemed per-
jury, and shall be punished as such.
629. The title to and possession of all the property, real
and personal appertaining to the Maryland Penitentiary and
the Maryland House of Correction, shall vest in and be held
by the State Board of Prison Control, as Trustees for the State.
The said Board shall have power to purchase or otherwise ac-
quire on behalf of the State, any real property, or interest in
real property, with the consent first obtained of the Board of
Public Works, that may be appropriate to the needs of said
institutions, or either of them; and the said "Board shall have
power to purchase or otherwise acquire, on behalf of the State,