propriation shall be used for the support of one colored indus-
trial school in the county, and one-half shall be used by the
county board of education of the county where said colored
industrial school is located for the employment of a capable
and trained colored supervisor of colored schools, who shall be
required to visit, under the direction of the county superintend-
ent, all the colored schools of the county as often as the county
superintendent may direct, and shall cause instruction of an
industrial character to be made a daily part of the work of
every colored school. The management and control of such an
industrial school and the employment of a supervisor shall,
subject to the provisions of this article, be in the hands of
the county board of education of the county where such school
is located.
145. No appropriation for the full amount of fifteen hun-
dred dollars, authorized by the preceding section for the sup-
port of one central colored industrial school and for the em-
ployment of a colored school supervisor in such county where
the colored industrial school may be located, shall be paid as
authorized after the first annual appropriation, unless said col-
ored industrial school shall have had for the preceding year
an average attendance of thirty pupils and as many as ten col-
ored schools in the county where such industrial school is lo-
cated. If in any county where there are less than ten colored
schools, a colored industrial school shall be established, the
state superintendent of schools, in his discretion, may recom-
mend the payment of a part of said appropriation, not to ex-
ceed one-half the amount, or seven hundred and fifty dollars;
and when such recommendation is made to the comptroller,
he is authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the
treasurer of the State for said amount, payable to the order
of the treasurer of the county board of education.
School Attendance.
156. The board of school commissioners of Baltimore city
shall appoint, and may remove at pleasure, one chief attend-
ance officer, male or female; and in addition they may appoint
and may remove at pleasure, such number of attendance offi-
cers, male or female, not exceeding eighteen, as they may
deem proper. The compensation of such officers shall be fixed
and paid by the mayor and city council of Baltimore. The
county board of education of each of the several counties shall