education, one-half of the annual salary of the county super-
intendent of schools, up to and including an annual salary of
three thousand ($3, 000) dollars. County boards of education
may, in their discretion, pay to a county superintendent an
annual salary in excess of three thousand ($3, 000) dollars,
but the State shall not share in the part payment of said ex-
cess. The State superintendent of schools may remove any
county superintendent of schools appointed under the provi-
sions of this section, or continuing in office under the provisions
of this section, for immorality, misconduct in office, insubordi-
nation, incompetency, or wilful neglect of duty, upon making
known to him, in writing, the charges against him, and upon
giving to him an opportunity of being heard, in person or by
counsel, in his own defense, upon not less than ten days'
notice. In case of vacancy due to any cause, the county board
of education shall fill the vacancy and the appointment shall
be for a full term of four years, and until a successor shall
72 A. The county superintendent of schools, as the execu-
tive officer of the county board of education, shall see that the
laws relating to the schools, the enacted and published by-laws
and the policies of the State board of education and the rules
and regulations and the policies of the county board of educa-
tion are carried into effect
72B. The county superintendent of schools shall explain
the true intent and meaning of the school laws, and of the
by-laws of the State board of education, subject to the ap-
proval in writing of the state superintendent of schools; he
shall decide, without expense to the parties concerned, all con-
troversies and disputes involving the rules and regulations of
the county board of education and the proper administration
of the public school system in the county, and his decision shall
be final, except that an appeal may be had to the State super-
intendent of schools if taken in writing within thirty days.
The county superintendent of schools shall have authority to
administer oaths and to examine under oath, in any part of
the county, witnesses in any matter pertaining to the public
schools of the county, and to cause the examination to be re-
duced to writing. Any person, who, having been sworn or
affirmed by him to tell the truth, and who wilfully gives false
testimony, shall be guilty of perjury.
72C. The county superintendent of schools shall recom-
mend for condemnation school buildings which are unsanitary