shall examine the expenditures, business methods, and accounts
of county school boards and advise them on the same.
20. The state superintendent of schools shall, subject to
the rules and regulations of the state board of education, pass
upon all proposals for the purchase of grounds, school sites or
buildings, or for the sale of the same, and also upon all plans
and specifications for the remodeling of old school buildings or
the construction of new school buildings costing three hundred
dollars ($300) or more. In case the construction is to be done
by the county board itself, it shall be illegal for the county
board to proceed until the plans and specifications shall have
been approved in writing by the state superintendent of
schools; in case the construction is to be done by contract, the
contract shall be invalid without the written approval of the
state superintendent of schools.
20A. The state superintendent of schools shall certificate,
subject to the rules and regulations of the state board of educa-
tion and the provisions of sections 53, 54 and 55 of this article,
all teachers in the public schools of the State.
20B. The state superintendent of schools shall prepare, or
cause to be prepared, and submit for approval and adoption by
the state board of education, courses of study for the different
grades and kinds of elementary schools, high schools and nor-
mal schools, and also college courses for teachers.
21. The state superintendent of schools, acting under the
rules and regulations of the state board of education, shall be
responsible for the administration of the state department of
education, and shall have general supervision of all the profes-
sional and clerical assistants of the department. He shall
nominate to the state board of education all the professional
and clerical assistants of the department and may recommend
their dismissal for immorality, misconduct in office, insubor-
dination, incompetency or wilful neglect of duty. But the
qualification of all appointments, their tenure and compensa-
tion, except as may hereinafter be provided, shall be deter-
mined by the state board of education.
21A. The state department of education shall hereafter be
provided with the following professional assistants. Such pro-
fessional assistants as are employed at the time this section
shall take effect shall be eligible for reappointment to the posi-
tions which they now hold: