time, as it may be deemed wise, bills, and to recommend the
same to the Governor and the General Assembly, providing for
changes in the appropriation for special educational purposes
and activities and in the total amount raised and contributed
by the State for the encouragement and support of public edu-
17C. The state board of education shall submit each year
on or before the first day of January, to the Governor an an-
nual report covering all operations of the State department of
education and the support, conditions, progress and needs of
education throughout tie State. Such annual report shall be
printed in sufficient quantities for general distribution through-
out the State.
17D. It shall be the duty of the state board of education
to consider the educational needs of the State, and on and
with the advice of the state superintendent of schools, to recom-
mend to the Governor and to the General Assembly, such addi-
tional legislation, or changes in existing legislation, as may be
deemed desirable. Such recommendations shall be in the form
of prepared bills and shall be laid before the Governor and
the General Assembly. The state board of education and the
state superintendent of schools shall be given a hearing on the
same by the committees of the Senate and the House of Dele-
gates, to which such bills are referred, if this is requested.
17E. The state board of education shall perform such, other
duties as are assigned to them elsewhere in this article, or
may be assigned to them from time to time by the General
The State Superintendent of Schools.
18. The state superintendent of schools shall be appointed
by the state board of education for a term of four years and
said, board shall fix his salary and pay same from the appro-
priation for the expenses and maintenance of the State Depart-
ment of Education. He shall be an experienced and competent
educator; he shall be a graduate of a standard college, or the
equivalent, have had not less than two years of special academic
and professional graduate preparation in a standard university,
or the equivalent, and not less than seven years experience in
teaching and administration. Provided, that these qualifica-
tions shall not apply to the present incumbent of the office, nor