ter," to follow Section 177 and to be designated Section 177-A,
and to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 181.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new Section be added to Article 4 of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title
"Charter," to follow Section 177 and to be designated Section
177-A, and that Section 181 be repealed and re-enacted with
amendments so as to read as follows:
177-A. In any ordinance for opening, extending, widening,
straightening, clo'sing or grading any street, lane or alley in the
City of Baltimore, the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may
provide that the assessments of benefits may be made payable
in annual instalments, not exceeding five, with interest at six
per cent, on the deferred instalments from the time such pro-
ceedings are concluded. If any such ordinance does not provide
otherwise as to the time of payment of benefits, then all benefits
assessed thereunder shall ie payable, at the option of the person
assessed, either at once or in five equal instalments, one of which
shall be due when the proceedings under said ordinance are con-
cluded and the other instalments shall be due and payable, re-
spectively, one, two, three and four years thereafter, with inter-
est on each instalment from the date when the proceedings were
finally concluded; provided, however, that where the same party
is assessed in any such proceedings for benefits and also awarded
damages, the damages shall be deducted from the benefits to the
extent of the damages, and the provision of this Section as to
paying the benefits in instalments shall apply only to the excess
of the benefits over the damages. The Commissioners, in their
final return, shall state whether or not benefits are to be payable
in instalments, and if so in what instalments.
181. If no appeal shall have been prayed, then, within ten
days after the time hereinbefore limited therefor, or after the
return of the decision upon any appeal shall have been made
to the said commissioners, their return shall be transferred to
the City Collector, who shall proceed forthwith to notify the
parties assessed for benefits by means of bills specifying the sev-
eral sums so assessed and the instalment thereof due and payable,
and warning them that if the same be not paid within two months
from the date of such transfer of said commissioners' returns, he
will proceed to sell the specific pieces or parts of property on
which said unpaid sum or sums of money shall have been as-
sessed, in the manner and after having given the notice directed