provision of this Section and shall subsequently violate .any pro-
vision of this Section, for such second and each subsequent vio-
lation he shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than
Twenty Dollars ($20) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars
($200) and imprisoned in the County jail for not less than ten
(10) days nor more than ninety (90) days.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That it shall be unlawful
for any doctor or physician to issue a prescription for intoxi-
cating liquor, except in writing, or in any case unless the person
for whom it is issued is actually sick or such liquor is required
as a medicine. Every prescription for intoxicating liquor shall
contain the name and quantity of liquor prescribed, the name
of the person for whom prescribed, the date on which the pre-
scription is written and direction for the use of the liquor so
And it shall be unlawful for any doctor or physician who
has been convicted of issuing verbal prescriptions for intoxicat-
ing liquor, or of issuing prescriptions for intoxicating liquor
knowing the same to be for use as a beverage, or of issuing pre-
scriptions that do not in form comply with this Act, thereafter
to issue any prescription for intoxicating liquor for any purpose
for a period of two years from the date of such conviction.
Every prescription issued in violation of the provisions hereof
shall be held to be unlawful selling, and on conviction therefor
the person issuing same shall be punished accordingly.
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this
Act shall be construed to forbid or prevent the sale within
Anti-Saloon Territory by a druggist or pharmacist of liquor
for medicinal or sacramental purposes only, or of alcohol for
medicinal, chemical or mechanical purposes only, not to be
drunk upon the premises under any circumstances. Provided,
the following requirements are fully complied with and such
druggist or pharmacist in good faith shall keep a true and exact
record in a book, which he shall provide for the purpose in
which shall be entered at the time of every sale of intoxicating
liquor made by him or in or about his place of business to all
persons whomsoever, the date of such sale, the name of the pur-
chaser, who shall also sign his name in said book as a part of
said entry, and his residence (stating the street and house
number if there be such) the kind, quantity and price of such
liquor, the purpose for which it was sold and when the sale is
for medicinal purposes, the book shall also contain the name of
the physician issuing the prescription therefor. Such prescrip-