vided by law for giving notice of an election, of the submission
of said proposition at the next election to the voters of Carroll
County. Publication of the submission of said proposition to
the voters of said County shall likewise be made in the manner
provided by law for the publication of the list of nominations
to be voted for at an election: Provided, That the failure of such
Supervisors of Elections to cause such notice to be given, or
the failure to make publication of the submission of said propo-
sition as above provided, shall not affect the validity or binding
iorce of the vote upon said proposition.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Supervisors of
Elections, with whom any petition shall be filed as provided by
this Act, shall cause the proposition '' Shall this County become
Anti-Saloon Territory," to be placed on the official ballots to
be submitted to the vote of the people in the manner prescribed
"by Section 56 of Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws
of 1904.
At any election where said proposition is submitted, the per-
sons managing the interests of those in favor of, and the per-
sons managing the interests of those opposed to said proposition
shall have, respectively, the right to designate and keep a chal-
lenger and watcher at each election place. A certificate signed
by the presiding officer of the committee managing the inter-
ests of those in favor of or of those opposed to said proposition
shall be sufficient evidence of the right of such challenger and
watcher to be present in the polling room. Such challengers
and watchers shall have the powers which are conferred upon
challengers and watchers by Sections 62 and 69 of Article 33
of the Code of Public General Laws of 1904.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Supervisors of
Elections shall, as soon as conveniently may be after receiving
and canvassing the result of any election at which the proposi-
tion as to whether Carroll County shall become or continue to
be Anti-Saloon Territory is submitted to the voters thereof,
proclaim the result of said election and publish such proclama-
tion in some newspaper published in the County, if the owners
of such newspaper will publish the same at the current rates of
advertisement, and shall record in a well bound book, to be kept
in their office by them and their successors, the result of the
vote upon said proposition and such result may be proved in
all courts and in all proceedings by such record or by the official
certificate of the Supervisors of Elections, and in cases where
such a record or certificate shows that a majority of the legal