own cost and expense, and such owner shall be responsible for
any damages which may be occasioned by his negligence in re-
pairing such sidewalk or failure to keep them in good and
proper repair. If the owner, possessor or other person re-
sponsible, shall fail to construct or repair any sidewalk after
due notice, according to the ordinance of the Town, the Cor-
poration shall construct or repair the same and charge the
same to the owner, possessor or other person responsible for
such construction or repairs, and the cost and expense which
the Mayor and Town Council shall incur by the fact of the
construction or repair of any such sidewalk after the failure
of the owner, possessor or other person responsible to do so,
shall be a lien upon the said abutting property, in the same
manner and to the same extent as taxes are now made a lien
by law. And the Mayor and Town Council shall have the
same rights and remedies to enforce payment of the same, an
is now given to them by law to enforce the payment of taxes,
but the Mayor and Town Council shall not be responsible for
any damage which may be occasioned by reason of a failure
on the part of lot owners to keep their sidewalks in proper
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 12th, 1914.
AN ACT to authorize the State Veterinary Medical Board to ex-
amine John P. Lee as to his qualifications to practice veterin-
ary medicine or surgery and to issue him a license if he be
found to be qualified.
WHEREAS, John P. Lee, a citizen of this State, was actually
engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in
this State for a period of more than five years prior to the year
1894, but failed to register with the State Veterinary Medical
Board within six months from April 6, 1894, and,
WHEREAS, The said John P. Lee has since taken the three
years' course of study from 1908 to 1911 at the "United States
College of Veterinary Surgeons at Washington, D. C., and
WHEREAS, The said John P. Lee was prevented from receiv-
ing his diploma from the said United States College of Veteri-