SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap-
propriated and shall be available from March 31, 1914 to March
31, 1915, and a like sum from March 31, 1915 to March 31,
1916, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the objects
mentioned; and of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars herein
appropriated the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars
($750.00) and no more, shall be annually applied to and be
disbursed for the payment of the interment of United States
soldiers, sailors and mariners, and seven hundred and fifty dol-
lars ($750.00) and no more, shall be annually applied to and be
disbursed for the payment of the interment of Confederate
soldiers, sailors and mariners.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 12th, 1914.
'' AN ACT to add an additional Section to Article 27 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, title 'Crimes and Pun-
ishments, ' under the sub-title ' Toy Balloons,' to come in after
the Section numbered 397 in Poe's Code of 1904, and to be
numbered 397-A."
WHEREAS, Many fires which have done serious damage have
been caused by toy balloons containing fire or lighted objects:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, "That an additional Section be added to Article 27 of
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes
and Punishments," under the sub-title "Toy Balloons," to
come in after the Section numbered 397 in Poe's Code of 1904,
and to be numbered 397-A, and to read as follows:
397-A. That it shall be unlawful for any person within this
State to sell, buy, barter, trade, give away, have in possession,
send up, or cause to ascend, any toy balloon containing in or
about it any fire, fuse, wick, lighted object, or object intended
to be lighted; this Section to have no application, however, to
balloons in or with which one or more persons ascend. Any per-
son violating this Section shall on conviction thereof pay a fine
of not more than Two Hundred Dollars, together with the costs
of prosecution, and upon failure to pay said fine and costs shall