event shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court of Appeals of
Maryland, within thirty days from the date of the entry of
such appeal.
13. If such judgment is in favor of the petitioner awarding
compensation to the defendants and no appeal is taken from
such judgment by the defendant within ten days from the date
of said judgment, or in case of such appeal said judgment is
affirmed, the petitioner may at once pay to the defendant owner
or owners of the property condemned, the amount so awarded
him or them respectively, and the costs as determined by said
judgment, and in case the amount of such judgment and cost is
duly tendered any such owner who refuses to receive the same,
or such owner is out of the jurisdiction of the Court, or under
legal disability, the petitioner may pay the same into the said
Court, into the hands of the Clerk thereof, for the use of such
owner or owners, and to be paid him or them at any time there-
after, and upon such payment being accepted, or upon such
tender being made as aforesaid, and said payment made into
Court as aforesaid, after the refusal of such tender, or because
of the absence or legal disability of such owner or owners as
aforesaid, the petitioner shall at once become vested with the
title, estate or interest of such owner or owners in the property
so condemned. The title so acquired in any condemnation pro-
ceeding under this Act, shall be an absolute or fee simple title,
and shall include and be all the right, title and interest of each
and all the parties to the proceedings, whose property has been
so condemned, unless otherwise specified in the judgment of
14. Every appeal from any judgment in said proceedings
to the Court of Appeals of Maryland under this Act, shall stand
for hearing at the next term after the record is received by the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, if that Court be not sitting or
at the pending term if the Court is then in session, and the Court
of Appeals may advance the hearing of such appeal in its dis-
cretion, and if the fiual decision be that the petitioner is not
entitled to condemn the property, a reasonable counsel fee to be
fixed by the Court shall be awarded to counsel for the defendant
and taxed against the petitioner, together with the other costs
of the case.
15. The State, and any municipal or other corporation, com-
mission, board, body or person, which under the laws of this
State, has the right to acquire property by condemnation, shall