thorized by law to be made by said board, the sum of three
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as, in the opinion of the
Governor, may be necessary.
For the augmentation and furnishing of the State Library,
one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
to the State Librarian for the expenses and shipments of the
Acts of Assembly, reports and documents of the Session, of 1916,
three hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be
For the payment of the annual ground rent on tobacco ware-
house lots in Baltimore City, four hundred and forty-eight dol-
lars and eleven cents; for the salaries of two inspectors of steam
boilers in the City of Baltimore, fifteen hundred, dollars each,
three thousand dollars; for the salary of Mine Inspector in
Allegany and Garrett Counties, one thousand five hundred dol-
lars, and for necessary stationery and office supplies, including
the printing of his report, six hundred dollars, or so much there-
of as may be necessary; for the rent of the boxes in some safe
deposit company, for the use of the Treasury Department, six
hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; for
insurance on public buildings of the State and the personal
property belonging thereto, fourteen thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary.
For the salaries of the two Commissioners of Fisheries, fifteen
hundred dollars each, three thousand dollars; and to defray the
expenses of the Commissioners as per Section 89 of Article 39
of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Fish and Fisheries,"
sub-title '' Commissioners of Fisheries,'' seven thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as, in the opinion of the Governor, may be
necessary; to the Fish Commissioner of the Western Shore, for
the propagation of fish within the waters of the "Western Shore,
the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, no part of said appropria-
tion to be expended in the killing of eels in the Wicomico River,
or in the other waters of the State of Maryland; to the Fish
Commissioner of the Eastern Shore, for the propagation of fish
within the waters of the Eastern Shore, the sum of two thou-
sand dollars; and the Commissioners of Fisheries are hereby
directed and required to make a detailed report to the Gov-