On page 6, lines 4, 5 and 6 of the enrolled Act, under the
caption "Reformatory and Other Institutions," the item "to
the Maryland Industrial School for Girls, Eight Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars," is approved to the extent and amount of
Seven Thousand Dollars, and disapproved to the extent and
amount of Fifteen Hundred Dollars.
On page 6, lines 6, 7 and 8 of the enrolled Act, under the
caption "Reformatory and Other Institutions," the item "to
the Maryland House of Correction Twenty-five Thousand Dol-
lars for Maintenance, together with the further sum of Fifty
Thousand Dollars for emergency," is approved to the extent
and amount of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, for maintenance,
together with the further sum of Forty Thousand Dollars for
emergency, and disapproved to the extent and amount of Ten
Thousand Dollars for emergency.
On page 6, lines 8, 9 and 10 of the enrolled Act, under the
caption of "Reformatory and Other Institutions," the item "to
the Maryland State Penitentiary, Fifty Thousand Dollars for
Buildings," is approved to the extent and amount of Thirty-
five Thousand Dollars, and disapproved to the extent and
amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars.
On page 7, lines 14, 15, 16 and 17 of the enrolled Act, under
the caption of "Reformatory and Other Institutions," the item
"to the Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium, One Hundred and
Sixty Thousand Dollars for maintenance, together with the fur-
ther sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars for buildings," is
approved to the extent and amount of One Hundred and Forty
Thousand Dollars for maintenance, together with the further
sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars for buildings, and dis-
approved to the extent and amount of Twenty Thousand Dol-
lars for maintenance.
On page 8, lines 54, 55, 56 and 57 of the enrolled Act, under
the caption of "Miscellaneous," the item "to meet the de-
ficiency in legislative printing, as prescribed in Chapter 319
of the Acts of 1904, for the session of 1914, the sum of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary,"
is hereby disapproved.
AN ACT to prohibt vagabonds, habitual beggars and vagrants
within Talbot County.