46 of the Acts of 1906; for the salary of the Custodian of
Works of Reference, twelve hundred dollars; to the State Live
Stock Sanitary Board, the sum of three thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, for dairy inspections;
to George H. Lamar, for services as attorney-at-law under au-
thority of the Attorney-General and the Governor, in defending
the validity and preserving the effectiveness of the Act of the
General Assembly, approved April 11,1910, Chapter 220, entitled
"An Act to regulate fares on the line of the Washington and
Rockville Railway Company in Montgomery County," including
incidental expenses personally defrayed, and the bill of Messrs.
Smith and Hulse, incurred for two carbon copies of certain
evidence taken before the Special Examiner, one copy of which
for the Chief Engineer of the Public Service Commission, and
the other for Special Counsel for the State, amounting to
seventy-five dollars, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars; to the
Commissioner of the Land Office, to provide for furnishing the
Land Office of Maryland, in the Court of Appeals Building at
Annapolis, with steel filing cases for books, and other necessary
precautions to insure the safety of record books now on file in
the Land Office, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, and the further sum of five thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to mod-
ernize the index system relative to certificates, patents, etc.,
from the earliest to the present date, now on file in the Land
Office of Maryland; for weather stripping the Executive Man-
sion and installing electric pump in the basement of Executive
Mansion, six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, and for repairs, painting, etc., to the old State Cap-
itol Building and grounds, including automatic sprinkler sys-
tem for dome and revolving door to main entrance, etc., the
sum of twenty-three hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, and for repairs, etc., to the
new State Capitol Building, including electric motor for new
elevator, twenty-six hundred and fifty dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, and for repairs, etc., to the Court
of Appeals Building, six hundred and fifty dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, and for painting, etc., at the heat-
ing and power plant, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, and for repairs to the Governor's
stable, seventy-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be nec-
essary, and for painting and repairs to the old Treasury Build-
ing, two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, and for retouching and cleaning portraits in the