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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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Chief Game Warden of Baltimore County, as herein provided
for. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every offense
or violation of the provisions of this Section, and an additional
fine of five dollars for each and every partridge, jack-snipe, rab-
bit, jack-rabbit, pheasant, ruffed grouse, ring-necked pheasant,
quail, squirrel, woodcock, reed bird, rail bird, black bird, dove,
sora, wild duck, goose or swan taken, shot, killed or had in pos-
session contrary to the provisions of this Section; and in default
of payment of said fine or fines, the offender shall be confined
to the House of Correction or County Jail for not less than
ten days nor more than thirty days; the whole of said fine shall
go to the informer, person or persons securing the conviction
thereof, and said licensee shall have said license in his pos-
session when gunning, hunting, pursuing, catching, killing,
trapping or shooting. said birds and animals and shall exhibit
the same whenever called upon by any warden, deputy game
warden, the chief game warden of Baltimore County, sheriff,
deputy sheriff, constable, police officer or any citizen of said
County so to do; and upon refusal to so exhibit such license such
person so refusing shall be subjected to the fines and penalties
hereinbefore provided for non-compliance or violation of the
provisions of this Section. Nothing in this Section, however,
shall prohibit or prevent any owner or owners of land or real
estate in Baltimore County from gunning, hunting, catching,
killing, trapping, pursuing, shooting or having in possession
during the open season the birds and animals named in this
Section upon the land or real estate so owned by said person or
persons, or any bona fide renter or leasee of land or real estate
in Baltimore County from gunning, hunting, catching, killing,
trapping, pursuing, shooting or having in possession during the
open season, birds and animals named in this Section upon the
land or real estate so rented or leased by said renter or leasee as

SEC. 10-A. And be it further enacted, That the form of said
license to be issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Balti-
more County shall be as follows:

'' County of Baltimore, State of Maryland :
No........... Hunting License. $......... This is to certify,

that in consideration of the payment of........... dollars, the

receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, license and authority


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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