above obligation is such, that if the above bound A. B., as over-
seer or keeper of the alms or poor house in Frederick County,
and manager of the farm connected therewith, shall well and
truly discharge his duties in said station, then the above obliga-
tion to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in
law. "
SEC. 7. That if any keeper or overseer of said almshouse, or
any officer thereof, shall neglect or refuse for the space of thirty
days at the expiration of his term of office, or after being re-
moved from his office to surrender and deliver up to his suc-
cessor in office any property, money, books, or effects of any
kind in his possession as such officer or member he shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon indictment and con-
viction in a Court of Law, he shall be fined not less than One
Thousand Dollars and imprisoned in the County Jail not less
than two years; but nothing herein contained shall bar any
civil suit that might be maintained for the recovery of such
property, money, or effects.
SEC. 8. It shall be the duties of said County Commissioners
of Frederick County, every three months, to advertise for
sealed proposals for furnishing all supplies and provisions neces-
sary for the support and maintenance of the inmates of the
almshouse, and all persons committed to the jail of Frederick
County, and for all fuel needed for said almshouse and jail
and to award the contract or contracts therefor to the lowest
responsible bidder, who shall give bond to said Commissioners
in such penalty as they may prescribe, for the faithful per-
formance of such contract or contracts, and no one of said
Commissioners shall be allowed to be a bidder for any such con-
tract, or be interested therein directly or indirectly, and they
shall have full power to make such provisions for the mainte-
nance and support of the inmates of said jail and almshouse
as they may deem necessary until the contracts hereinbefore
provided for can be made; provided that the successful bidder
shall be held and obligated to furnish at the same rate and
price any additional supplies of a like kind that may be needed
by said Commissioners in excess of the amount advertised and
bid for.
SEC. 9. That whenever there shall be no bid made for any of
the supplies advertised for, the said Commissioners may procure
the same by private purchase for and during the term for
which said advertisement is made, to wit, the term of three
months; provided, that such supplies shall not be directly or