said town are collected, and the amount levied for this purpose
shall be in addition to the taxes now authorized by law. The
money arising from water rents, electric rents and the revenues
from said water works and electric works shall be applied first,
to the payment of the current expenses of said works; secondly,
to the payment of the interest on said bonds, and thirdly, as
to any balance toward the payment of said bonds. Whenever
any bond is paid off, it shall be immediately burned, and the
fact noted in the registration book herein required. The Bur-
gess and Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to
provide and locate convenient hydrants and fire plugs in the
various parts of said town for the protection from fire, and are
also authorized to erect such poles and electrical appliances,
and to place electric lights in the streets and alleys of said
town at such places as they see fit, for the purpose of lighting
said streets and alleys.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the title to all lands, lease-
hold property, water, water works, pipes, fixtures, appliances,
buildings, machinery, electric wires, poles, conduits and all
property used in connection with said water works and electric
plant shall vest in said Burgess and Commissioners of Wil-
liamsport, in their corporate capacity, and any person who shall
wilfully, or knowingly pollute any spring, stream, water, water
course or reservoir used in connection with said water works by
throwing any impure or deleterious thing in the same, or by
bathing, swimming or washing themselves, or clothes therein,
or putting any other unclean or impure thing therein, or by
committing any nuisance at or near the source of water sup-
ply or reservoir, so as to pollute the same, or who shall in any
way damage, destroy, mutilate or interfere with any of the
property, appliances and fixtures used in connection with said
electric plant shall, upon conviction thereof before any Justice
of the Peace for the State of Maryland, in and for Washington
County, be fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00), nor more
than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each offense, one-half of said
fine to be paid to the informer, and one-half to the Burgess and
Commissioners of Williamsport, for the purposes of this Act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That all Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland inconsistent with this Act be, and the same
are hereby repealed, but with the provisions that any and all
contracts made under and by virtue of any such Acts shall not
be hereby rendered invalid by the same, but shall remain in
force and valid until terminated and completed.