polygamy and polygamous cohabitation shall be prohibited, and
Congress shall be given power to enforce such prohibition by
appropriate legislation,
RESOLVED, That the Legislatures of all other States of the
United States, now in session or when next convened, be and
they hereby are respectfully requested to join in this applica-
tion by the adoption of this or an equivalent resolution.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Secretary of State be and he
hereby is directed to transmit copies of this application to the
Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, and
to the several members of said bodies representing this State
therein; also to transmit copies hereof to the Legislatures of all
other States of the United States.
No. 4.
Of Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland relating to the
development of resources of Southern Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Democratic Party of Maryland, represented
by the majority membership of the Senate and House of Dele-
gates of the General Assembly, pledges itself through its State
Convention to all that might be constitutionally possible for the
development of the resources of Southern Maryland and for the
improvement commensurately with other parts of the State; and,
WHEREAS, Both branches of the General Assembly are of the
opinion that the effectuation of the purposes aforesaid will
greatly contribute to promote the general welfare of the entire
State, and that said purposes should be undertaken in serious
and energetic manner; therefore,
Be it Jointly Resolved, By the Senate and House of Delegates
of the General Assembly that a Joint Committee consisting of
three members of the Senate, to be appointed by the President
of the Senate, and five members of the House of Delegates, to
be appointed by the Speaker, be and the same shall be forthwith
constituted to take under consideration and to report upon the
subject aforesaid and to that end the said Joint Committee is
hereby instructed to invite such citizens of the Counties of
Southern Maryland as it may determine upon to appear before
and submit to said Joint Committee information and recommen-
dations bearing upon the said subject; and