laws and rules for the governing said School not inconsistent
with the laws of the State of Maryland as they may find neces-
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That upon organization,
the said Board shall secure a site for the said institution in the
country to contain about one hundred and fifty acres of land
and shall proceed to erect thereon such buildings according to
what is known as the Cottage System as they may deem neces-
sary for the purposes herein set forth.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That said Board shall ap-
point a female Superintendent of said institution and shall pre-
scribe her duties and fix her compensation; said Board shall also
prescribe the number, duties and compensation of all other offi-
cials and employes, but all such officials and employes shall be
appointed by and subject to removal at pleasure by the said
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That any Judge or Justice
of the Peace of 'this State having criminal jurisdiction, may
commit to said Institution any white female under the age of
twenty-one years who shall have been convicted of any crime
or misdemeanor, or who shall have been shown to be vicious or
incorrigible; and said corporation is hereby authorized to re-
ceive all girls committed to it as aforesaid and to hold them
under such commitment until they shall respectively arrive at
the age of twenty-one years. No girl shall be committed to said
Institution simply because she has no home nor because of pov-
All commitments shall be until the age of twenty-one years,
but the Institution may accept any girl and hold her pending
investigation or trial on the request of a Judge or Justice of the
Peace, but no girl so received shall be detained for a period of
more than three months.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That each girl committed
to said Institution shall receive regular religious instruction, to
be provided by the Church of her parents, whenever it is pos-
sible for the Superintendent to secure it.
There shall be religious services at least once weekly where,
as far as the Superintendent is able to obtain them, all denomi-
nations shall be represented.
The Board of Directors is authorized to make such expendi-
tures for religious instruction as it may deem necessary for. the
carrying out of these provisions.