SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Article 81, title "Taxation," of the Code of Public
General Laws as set out in the Code of 1912, be and the same
is hereby amended by adding twelve Sections to immediately
follow Section 232, and to be known as Sections 233, 234, 235,
236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243 and 244, and to be as fol-
SEC. 233. There is hereby created a Commission to be desig-
nated as State Tax Commission of Maryland composed of three
persons who shall be resident taxpayers of the State and quali-
fied voters thereof, and not more than two of whom shall be
of the same political party. One of said Commissioners shall
be a resident of the City of Baltimore, one a resident of the
Counties of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and the other a
resident of the Counties of the Western Shore of Maryland.
The term of each of the three members shall be six years and
until his successor qualifies and shall commence on the first
Monday of June next ensuing his appointment; except that one
of the Commissioners named in this Act shall serve for two
years, one for four years, and one for six years, and if for any
reason the term of six years shall be held unconstitutional then
the term of each shall be two years. The present Commission
created by this Act shall be Oscar Leser, who shall serve for two
years, Lewin W. Wickes, who shall serve for four years, and Ar-
thur P. Gorman, Jr., who shall serve for six years and who shall
be Chairman of said Commission during his term, after which
time the chairman of said Commission shall be designated by
the Governor of the State, and all subsequent appointments
shall be so made that not more than two Commissioners shall
at any time be of the same political party. Each Commis-
sioner shall receive a salary of Three Thousand dollars ($3,000)
per annum, payable, out of the State Treasury by the State of
Maryland. The Chairman of said Commission shall also re-
ceive the sum of Three Thousand Dollars per annum which
shall be paid out of its funds by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, to said Chairman of said Commission, as an em-
ployee of said municipal corporation; and each of the other
two Commissioners shall receive in addition to said Three
Thousand Dollars per annum aforesaid the sum of Two Thous-
and Dollars per annum which shall be paid out of its funds
by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to each of said
other two Commissioners as employees of said municipal corpor-
ation ; and before entering upon office he shall take the oath
prescribed by the Constitution. In case of any vacancy the