pears in obedience to a subprena, before the Commission or
an inspector or an examiner, shall receive for his attendance
the fees and mileage provided for witnesses in civil cases in
the Circuit Courts of the Counties or the Common Law Courts
of Baltimore City, as of the place where he gives his testimony,
which shall be audited and paid from the State Treasury in
the same manner as other vouchers approved by any member
of the Commission and the secretary. No witness subpoenaed
at the instance of a party other than the Commission, or an
inspector or examiner, shall be entitled to compensation from
the State Treasury unless the Commission shall certify that
his testimony was material to the matter investigated. In
an investigation, the Commission may cause depositions of wit-
nesses residing within or without the State to be taken in
the manner prescribed by law for like depositions taken in
cases pending before the Circuit Courts of the Counties or
the Common Law Courts of Baltimore City, as is now or here-
after may be provided by law.
SEC. 9. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the State In-
dustrial Accident Commission shall adopt reasonable and proper
rules to govern its procedure, which procedure shall be as sum-
mary and simple as reasonably may be. It shall regulate and
provide for the kind and character of notices, and the services
thereof, and in cases of injury by accident to employes, the
nature and extent of the proofs and evidence and the method
of taking and furnishing the same for the establishment of the
right to compensation. It shall determine the nature and forms
of application of those claiming to be entitled to benefits or
compensation, and shall regulate the method of making inves-
tigations, physical examinations and inspections and prescribe
the time within which adjudications and awards shall be made,
provided, always, that all such rules and regulations shall con-
form to the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 10. The Commission shall not be bound by the usual
common law or statutory rules of evidence or by any technical
or formal rules of procedure, other than as herein provided,
but may make the investigation in such manner as in its judg-
ment is best calculated to ascertain the substantial rights of
the parties and to carry out justly the spirit of this Act.
SEC. 11. A transcribed copy of the evidence and proceedings
or any specific part thereof, of any investigation taken by a
stenographer appointed by the Commission being certified and