pared from the tax books of the County, under the direction
of the County Clerk, separate lists of the resident and non-
resident taxpayers of the district or area. These shall be
handed to the Board of Supervisors, who shall cause to be
stricken off from the taxpayers lists any name found on the
list prepared from the election registers.
The said Commission shall have forwarded to each resident
taxpayer not on the list of qualified voters prepared by the
Supervisors of Elections and to each non-resident taxpayer
at the last known addresses a copy of the various official pub-
lications on the matter, and a copy of the order, fixing the
time and place of the election, together with a blank ballot,
across the face of which has been printed or written the words
"Resident Taxpayer's Ballot" and "Non-resident Taxpayer's
Ballot," respectively. If such taxpayer desires to vote on
the question, the proper mark shall be made thereon, in the
presence of a notary, whose acknowledgment shall be en-
dorsed, and whose seal affixed to said ballot, the same then
being forwarded in a sealed registered package to the said
Commission, who shall deliver it unopened to the Clerk of the
Election, before the close of the polls, and the said ballot shall
be counted as a yea or nay vote on the question of the bond
The Board of Election Supervisors shall designate one or more
polling places within the district or area and shall hold an
election, appointing judges and clerks for each polling place,
who shall be the same in number and receive the same com-
pensation as that received in a County, State or general
election, provided, however, that they may in case of a sepa-
rate ballot on said bond issues, at times of County, State or
general elections, appoint such additional clerical help as may
be needed and approved of by the said Commission.
The election shall conform to the laws governing in said
County, and the ballot shall contain the words "For Sewerage
and Drainage Bond Issue" and "Against Sewerage and Drain-
age Bond Issue." Returns of the vote shall be certified by the
Board of Supervisors of Elections to the Board of County Com-
missioners. That in the event of an unfavorable election, the
Commissioners may request another election within a year, sub-
ject to the restrictions as to date hereinbefore set forth.
529-G. And be it further enacted, That it may be lawful in-
stead of following the method provided in Section 529-F, that