charges of incompetence, malfeasance or misfeasance in office.
The compensation of the Sanitary Engineer shall not exceed
the sum of $1,800.00 per annum. He shall act as resident engi-
neer of the State Bureau of Sanitary Engineering and shall
co-operate with the said Bureau in such work as it may under-
take in the County, rendering to it at such times, in such man-
ner and in such form as it may prescribe, reports on the sani-
tary, sewerage and drainage conditions in said County.
(n) The power to appoint or employ such temporary pro-
fessional or technical experts or advisors, and such agents or em-
ployees, skilled or unskilled, as may from time to time appear
requisite for the proper execution of any duty or duties im-
posed upon them by this Act, to fix their respective compensa-
tion; to remove or discharge such experts, advisors, agents or
employees at pleasure; and to exact from them such indemnity
bonds for proper performance of their duties as they see fit.
(o) The power to purchase, hire, or otherwise lawfully ob-
tain, the use of all such machinery, tools, implements, appli-
ances, supplies, materials and working agencies as it may need
for its purposes; provided, however, that this enumeration of
special powers shall not be construed as restricting in any degree
the scope of the general powers hereinbefore or hereinafter
delegated to the said Commission.
529-D. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of this
Act, the following definitions shall apply in the interpretation
of the following words and phrases:
(a) Sewerage: All human and animal excretions, street wash,
domestic and manufacturing waste, when carried by water,
either in suspension or solution.
(b) Sewerage System: All the agencies, methods, appliances
or operations, natural or artificial, singly or combined, that
enter into the collection, transportation, treatment and final
disposition of sewerage.
(c) Sewerage Districts: All the territory within which the
topographic or economic conditions are such as to make possible
or advisable the concentration of sewerage at one point, either
for treatment and final disposition or transportation to a more
distant point.
(d) Drainage: All storm, surface or ground water, either
in natural or artificial channels.