to vote for at the State or County election, and every qualified
person offering to vote in Dorchester County at a primary elec-
tion shall be permitted to vote in the primary election of that
party to which he belongs and which party candidate he in-
tends to vote for at the State or County election in Dorchester
County. After the next general registration in. Dorchester
County, every qualified person offering to vote at a primary
election shall be permitted to vote in the primary election of
that party only with which he shall appear upon the books of
registration to be affiliated. The Board of Supervisors of Elec-
tions in Dorchester County is hereby authorized and required,
immediately upon the passage of this Act, to have prepared
new books of registry for use in all of the districts or precincts
of the said Dorchester County for the transcribing of the names
of the qualified voters residing therein from the registration
books in use. The said transcribing shall be done in the office
of the Board of Supervisors of Elections of Dorchester County
by four (4) clerks to be selected, two by the Supervisors rep-
resenting the majority party and two by the Supervisors rep-
resenting the minority party as the said parties are now con-
stituted in this State. The transcribing shall be done Dy said
clerks and the new books, after being transcribed, shall corres-
pond in all respects, and if they do not correspond at the con-
clusion of the work, or if any error in transcribing be alleged
to exist, either or any one of said clerks or any citizen or voter
in said County may file a petition in the Circuit Court within
ten days after said work is finished, naming said clerks and the
Board of Supervisors of Elections of Dorchester County as
defendants, and the said Court shall have the power to make
such order for the correction of said books as may be proper.
The cost of such preparation of proper registry books shall be
paid by the County Commissioners of Dorchester County, upon
proper requisitions and vouchers presented by the Board of
Supervisors of Elections of Dorchester County. Any political
party that polled more than one per cent, of the votes cast at
the last election may, through its political committee, if it has
one, or by citizens representing said party, if there be no politi-
cal committee, name a watcher and substitute watcher who shall
be permitted to attend at the transcribing of said names and
have power to examine the said books during the sittings of
said clerks for the said work and for a period of five days there-
after in the presence of said Board of Supervisors. In the books
of registry so provided for to be used in transcribing said reg-
istered voters in Dorchester County subsequent to the passage