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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1338   View pdf image (33K)
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thereof of the returns or certificate of election or the credentials
or commission of United States Senators elected by the people
of the respective States; and provided further that the several
elections of United States Senators from Maryland, except in
cases of election for the purpose of filling any vacancy or vacan-
cies in said office hereinafter provided for, shall be held on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in the year
1914, and on the same day and month in every sixth year there-
after, and also on the Tuesday after the first Monday in Novem-
ber in the year 1916, and on the same day and month in every
sixth year thereafter; and provided further that the places of
voting for said United States Senators at such election shall be
at the places of voting for Members of the House of Representa-
tives of the United States throughout the State, including all the
Congressional Districts thereof; and in the event of a vacancy
in said office of Senator aforesaid, howsoever said vacancy may
arise, the Governor of the State shall make a temporary ap-
pointment of a Senator who shall serve until the people shall
fill such vacancy by the nomination and election in the manner
aforesaid; and it shall be the duty of the Governor of the State
within ten days after such vacancy shall have been made or be-
come known to him to issue a proclamation accompanied by a
writ of election declaring and providing that at the next ensu-
ing primary election held under the provisions of said Article
33, title "Elections," sub-title Primary Elections," for the nom-
ination of candidates for public office in Baltimore City and in
the several Counties of the State, candidates for said unexpired
portion of the said term of said office of Senator in which such
vacancy has occurred, shall be nominated in the manner afore-
said, and the election of Senator to fill such unexpired portion
of said term shall take place, in the manner aforesaid, at the
next ensuing General Election for public officials held under
said Article 33, title "Elections," in the Counties of the State
and Baltimore City, whether said General Election shall be the
Congressional Election or a General Election of Members of the
General Assembly; provided, that if the said next ensuing Gen-
eral Election shall be for the Members of the General Assembly
then the places of voting in such Senatorial Election shall be at
the places of voting for Delegates of the General Assembly; pro-
vided, further, with respect to all elections of United , States
Senators both for full terms and to fill vacancies for unexpired
portions of terms, every person qualified to vote for Members
of the House of Delegates shall be qualified and entitled to vote
for United States Senators. And the said State Board of Can-


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1338   View pdf image (33K)
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