an old disused mill race running from Frederick road to the
dam across Gwynns Falls, south of Edmondson avenue, and the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore are about to construct
a public highway over said mill race from Frederick road to
said dam, and desire to continue said highway along the eastern
side of Gwynns Falls to Franklin road, which would necessitate
the taking of a strip of ground not exceeding one hundred feet
in width on the western border of the property of the Fayette
Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and the owners of said
property have refused to sell said strip of ground to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, except at a prohibitive price;
WHEREAS, There are no graves in the strip of ground so de-
sired by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and the
said strip is unfitted for graves, lying along the edge of Gwynns
Falls under a steep hill, which renders it inaccessible for con-
veyances from the rest of the Cemetery, and the construction
of a public highway along the eastern edge of said Falls cannot
injuriously affect the said Western Cemetery; and
WHEREAS, Along both sides of Gwynns Falls, from Frederick
avenue to Walbrook, there are steep bluffs and a road along the
margin of said Falls is very much needed as a thoroughfare be-
tween the northern portion of the city and Frederick avenue;
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and they
are hereby authorized to acquire, by purchase or condemnation,
a strip of land, not exceeding one hundred feet in width, along
eastern bank of Gwynns Falls from the northern end of the
mill race running south from the dam situated south of Ed-
mondson avenue, northerly to Edmondson avenue, for the pur-
pose of establishing a public highway to be a continuance north-
erly of the highway about to be established by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore over the mill race aforesaid, running
from Frederick road northerly and passing under the Edmond-
son avenue bridge, and thence northerly to a connection with the
old Franklin road.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 13th, 1914.