certificate or other evidence of liability assumed by said cor-
poration, association or individual shall have been, previous to
delivery, signed or countersigned by an officer or agent, resi-
dent in this State, authorized by law to sign such policy or
contract; provided, however, that policies issued by railway
corporations insuring the rolling stock and other movable
property of said road, and those insuring the liability of such
railroads as common carriers, shall be subject to the require-
ment that they shall be signed by the resident agent in cases
only where more than one-half the trackage of the roads oper-
ated by such railway companies is situate in the State of Mary-
land. (Every corporation, association, co-partnership and in-
dividual resident or non-resident, engaged in business in this
State shall pay to its legally licensed agent or agents, in the
State of Maryland, for signing or countersigning any policy,
certificate or other evidence of liability assumed by said cor-
poration, association or individual, the same rate and amount
of commissions as if such policy, certificate or other evidence
of liability had been issued through said agent or agents re-
siding in the State of Maryland; and no agent or agents shall
sign or countersign any policy, certificate or other evidence
of liability, upon any property situated in this State, for an
amount less than the commissions allowed on any policy, cer-
tificate or other evidence of liability issued through an agent
or agents residing in this State.) The premiums on all policies
so signed or countersigned shall be included in the report of
gross premiums required to be made to the Insurance Commis-
sioner by all companies not organized under the laws of this
State. Any person violating the provisions of this Section
shall be subject to the fines imposed by Section 205 of this
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 16th, 1914.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments that portion
of Section 2 of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland of the year 1910, relating to the com-
pensation of the members of the Public Service Commission.