The State Registrar shall certify on each certificate the total
amount owing to the person to whom such certificate is issued,
provided that the State Registrar shall certify separately the
number of incomplete, defective or belated certificates, and for
such incomplete, defective or belated certificates a fee shall be
certified equal to one-half the amount of compnsation provided
in this Section for proper and correct certificates and records
of births and deaths.
SEC. 19. That every physician, midwife and undertaker shall
without delay register his or her name, address and occupation
with the local registrar of the district in which he or she re-
sides or may hereafter establish a residence, and shall there-
upon be suplied by the local registrar with a copy of this
Act, together with such rules and regulations as may be pre-
pared by the State Board of Health relative to its enforce-
ment. Within thirty days after the close of each calendar
year each local registrar shall make a return to the State
Register of all physicians, midwives and undertakers who
have been registered in his district during the whole or any
part of the preceding calendar year; provided, that no fee or
other compensation shall be charged by local registrars to
physicians, midwives or undertakers for registering their names
under this Section or making returns thereof to the State Reg-
That all superintendents or managers or other persons in
charge of hospitals, almshouses, lying-in or other institutions,
public or private, to which persons resort for treatment of
diseases or are confined or are committed by process of law
are hereby required to make record of all the personal and
statistical particulars relative to the inmates in their institu-
tions at the date upon which this Act takes force and effect
that are required in the forms or the certificates provided for
in this Act, as directed by the State Registrar, and thereafter
such record shall be by them made for all future inmates at the
time of their admission. And in case of persons admitted or
committed for medical treatment of disease the physician in
charge shall specify for entry in the record the nature of the
disease and where, in his opinion, it was contracted. The per-
sonal particulars and information required by this Section shall
be obtained from the individual himself if it is practicable
to do so, and when they cannot be so obtained they shall be
secured in as complete a manner as possible from relatives,
friends or other persons acquainted with the facts.