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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 12. Application for a permit to disinter a human body
shall be made to the local registrar or deputy local registrar
for a disinterment permit on the form prescribed by the State
Registrar. Upon receipt of such an application properly made
out, the local registrar or deputy local registrar shall issue a
permit for the disinterment. The permit for a disinterment
shall be made upon a form prescribed by the State Registrar
of Vital Statistics under the provisions of this Act. No dis-
interment permit shall be issued in any case where death was
caused by infectious disease within one year, except by per-
mission of and under the direction of the State Registrar of
Vital Statistics.

SEC. 14. In the event of the birth of any child without the
attendance of either a physician or midwife it shall be the
duty of the father, coroner, householder, keeper of any work-
house, house of correction, prison, hospital, reformatory, alms-
house, or other institution master or other commanding officer
of a ship or vessel and the conductor of any railroad train to
report in writing within four days next succeeding the birth
to the local registrar or deputy local registrar of the regis-
tration district wherein such birth occurs the full name of
the mother, the full name of the father, if it can be ascer-
tained, date, hour and place of birth, and the sex and color
of the child, and it shall be the duty of the local registrar or
deputy local registrar to whom such report is presented to
immediately investigate the same and to execute and send a
proper and correct certificate of birth as provided by Section
9 of this Act.

And all physicians, midwives, informants or undertakers,
and all other persons having knowledge of the facts, are hereby
required to furnish such information as they may possess re-
garding any birth or death upon demand of the State Regis-
trar in person, by mail or through the local registrar.

In the event of an alteration of any certificate of birth or
death the facts shall be properly certified to the State Registrar
and entered in red ink over his signature.

SEC. 15. The records of births and deaths shall be pre-
served by the County Registrar and shall be open to inspec-
tion for proper purposes by all city, town or county officials,
by the State Registrar or his accredited representative, pro-
vided that such examination shall be made in such a way that
the contents of the registers shall not be subjected to risk of


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1316   View pdf image (33K)
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